So, how is your TBR list? Gone? Did you at least make a dent?
Two weeks ago today, I offered directions on how to drastically shorten your To Be Read book list to make room for some of the 2012 Top 100 books. And I boldly stated that I would take my own advice the first weekend of December, and report back on my progress.
Yeah, about that… I read only one book.
You know that saying, We make plans; God laughs ? Well, I don’t think God is laughing, but he certainly through a monkey wrench into my family’s life. However, because this is a public forum and I am a (relatively) private person, I can’t elaborate other than to say sometimes life has a way of rearranging one’s priorities. Zap! Just like that.
Okay, Peeps, back to real life.
Meanwhile, I am formulating ideas for my next novel. And my next book to read? All the Pretty Horses, by Cormac McCarthy. Let me hear from you. Have you tried to zip through your TBR list? How’d you do?