Heart and Soul

“I am an all or nothing person.”  So says Danny King, the protagonist of my novel, That Changes Everything, and so says I.  Has it really been a month since I’ve written a blog?

I’ve been writing!  A lot.  I finished the first draft of my novel, all 73,000 words, and for about two days I was so excited and happy with it.  Then, like the devil perched on my left shoulder, whispers of doubt invaded my head.  What about this scene?  What about that scene?  Is this character entirely believable?  Totally sincere?  So even before I print off copies or send out query letters, I’m back to writing, and writing, and writing.  And reading.

A wise young man I know, also a writer, has an ongoing debate, with himself or anyone whom he can engage:  Is it better for a writer to read other great writers, or is it better for the writer in question to just get out there and live life, then write their own story in their own voice?  Ooh, good question.

The answer has many arguments, but like nature vs. nurture, I absolutely think it should be a combination.  No great stance, or position there, I realize, but how could one argue differently?

Off to read and write, not necessarily in that order.

Best wishes, Karolyn

On God and Prayer

“Do you want to hear what I think prayer is all about? Prayer is about a positive mental attitude. Prayer keeps people focused on a positive outcome, but they have to work for success themselves.

Achieved by

“It’s ridiculous,” she continued, “for people to think that they can sit around, take no responsibility for the direction of their lives, never strive to find a resolution to their problems, then dump the onus on God. Why should God help out people who are reckless or lazy? If people care about their fate enough to pray about it, they ought to be working to do whatever it takes to achieve success.”

– Maria, from Any Day Now

Serious research in L.A.

Hello, world! Karolyn Sherwood (Graham) here. I’ve decided to try my hand at writing a novel and a blog. It’s sure to be a long and winding road, but here goes!

My first attempt at a novel is Any Day Now, the story of a young, single mother who’s very best day turns into her very worst day.

Erica, my protagonist in Any Day Now, spends three days in Los Angeles. There’s only one way to make that authentic. Research! So, I’m off to Venice Beach, Chateau Marmont, Rodeo Drive. Places you have to see to believe, and write about.

It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to do it.