Van Gogh and Me

I recently blogged about Steve Jobs’ influence on my life. Now how about Vincent Van Gogh?

J.D. Salinger is famous for publishing four books, then disappearing for forty-some years. Can I do that? Or do I have to become famous first? Van Gogh sold only one painting in his lifetime, and that was to his brother. Hell, I could sell a hundred books to family members if that counts.

There’s a famous adage that everyone wants to have written a book, but few want to actually write it. Well I’m the opposite. I mean, sure I’d like to sell a novel, but I LOVE the writing part. Creating people and problems and scenes so vivid that you feel like you’re there with the characters—that’s my favorite part. In four years I’ve completed three novels, and my next is well underway. At this rate, I will fill my bookshelf in a couple more years. Who wants to slow down for the publishing process?

Full disclosure: Today I emailed several query letters to carefully chosen agents. I know the percentage of being chosen from a “slush pile” is about one in a million, but hey, I have 4 sons. What are the odds of that? Four of a kind is a pretty good hand. In any case, my novel Honorable Lies is complete, polished, and ready to go.

Now on to A Reasonable Price.